Saturday, August 8, 2009

My 2nd Studio Practice Shoot!

I had the pleasure of photographing Amber. Amber is such a beautiful girl, and she made shooting super easy! She is a natural at posing and has a beautiful smile to boot!

Here are the rest of the images from her shoot:


Getting in some practice - outdoors...

I took Chloe down to the new park in town to get in some practice in bright, overcast conditions. I don't think it was a total misadventure, although I know some would say I could have done much better. And that's probably true. But I am getting better with each shoot I do. So as long as I am progressing forward and not back, then I am happy. :)

I created my own Flash gallery with the help of Lightroom 2 and instructions from my ISP's website. It's nothing really fancy, but it serves the purpose, for now. Here it is with the images from Chloe's shoot:

Chloe in the Park

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

At the Fair

I took Chloe to the county fair today. Here's a little video of her and her friends going down one of her favorite rides.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Another (mis)Adventure

I'm trying. Really, really trying. I eat, sleep and breathe photography. I am constantly striving to get better. Not sure how it's working out. Sure, if you were to look at my very first image, taken with my first DSLR, which was the Canon Xti, and then compare that image to my latest, you'd probably say I've come far. But being the perfectionist I am (in my mind!), I am always unhappy with my progress. I am someone who ALWAYS thinks that everything I want to do, I should be able to do it 5 minutes ago without ever having learned how. Yep. I'm weird. I'm still having a great deal of problems with post-processing for an appealing image. Skin tones are my nemesis.

Anyway, here's my photo for today. I shot this at 8 p.m. and it was overcast. The rain has been relentless here lately. I'm ready for some sun, so I can search for open shade and still let in beautiful light.

Settings: Nikon D90; 50mm f/1.4D lens; f/2.8; 1/200sec; ISO 320

Friday, June 5, 2009

(Cheerleading?) Pom-Poms

Today was the last day of school for my kids, but we didn't send them today. Instead, Chloe and I set out to Wal-Mart to buy crafting supplies to help keep her from being bored this summer. One of the items we purchased was a Martha Stewart Tissue Paper Pom-Pom Kit. Inside was 5 stacks of tissue paper in different sizes (3 small and 2 large) and 5 strands of floral wire. All you do is make an accordion fold, use the wire to hold it together at the middle, then start pulling the paper away and out toward the center. I got to looking at the ones Chloe and I made and thought they'd make an awesome prop for tomorrow's photo shoot with a 9 year old girl in her prom dress. But Chloe has other ideas. She wants to be a cheerleader. So these became instant cheerleading pom-poms. Guess I better sign her up for gymnastics so she can learn how to do cartwheels. ;)

Monday, March 2, 2009

Chloe on Video!

I recently got a new HD Camcorder. This is the first time I've ever uploaded video to the internet! Thankfully it wasn't too hard! :D

I wanted to show you this video of Chloe trying to do the "Hillbilly Throwdown" from the new Hannah Montanna movie.

Saturday, January 24, 2009


I was looking through 2008's photos, and came across a set I had forgotten about - of a horse my FIL use to have. His name is Tony, and DH affectionately called him "Tony the Pony".

Canon Rebel Xti; f/5.6; ISO 800; SS 1/100 sec.; Focal Length - 100mm; 28-135mm lens